Zdravo ljudi.Evo jednog brzinskog review posta :)
Sećate li se kada sam vam najavila da čekam svoja PinkyParadise sočiva u boji,koja ste i vi imali prilike da osvojite? E,pa konačno su stigla.
Ja sam oduševljena ovom bojom. Totalno je kul :D
Izabrala sam ova zelena sočiva koja možete da vidite na prvoj slici.
Na drugoj slici se vidi razlika pre i posle stavljanja sočiva.
Ja sam prezadovoljna,boja je fenomenalna.
Obično kada stavim sočiva,oči mi suze i potrebno je malo vremena da se priviknem,pa tako i sada.
Možete videti i kutijicu za sočiva koju sam dobila u obliku životinjice.
Pa da li se vama sviđa ova zelena boja ili ste više za moju prirodnu plavu?
Ova moja sočiva možete naći ovde.
PinkyParadise is the largest online circle lens store. They believe circle lens is more than just colored contact lens, it redefines the beauty boundaries of eye makeup. Even more, it tells people who you are. Your eyes speak with PinkyParadise.
I love mine. You can find them here.
Do you like it?
If you use code when purchase: teenfashioncorner
1. You canget a FREE cute animal lens case PLUS mystery gifts
2. The coupon code can be stacked, If you purchase 3 pairs, you will get 3 lens case plus 3 mystery gifts.
3. A minimum of 1 lens purchased to activate the code.
4. The code has no expired dates :)
Kisses till next post
+ Valentine's day and Ocrun giveaway
8 winners in total
The first award: 1 winner, $60 coupon
The second award: 2 winners, $30 coupons
The three award: 5 winners, $10 coupons
All the coupons are from www.ocrun.com
Each of coupons just can be used by once.
Valid dates: Feb. 04th – Feb. 25th, 2013
It’s open worldwide!
The winners are randomly selected from all the participants.
They’ll announce 8 winners on Feb. 25th. 2013 and contact you to send the coupon.
How to get:
2. Enter your name and registered email here : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fans-of-lolita/353354438067430?sk=app_200328890006489
Make sure the email address and shipping address on ocrun website is valid to get their message succefully.
They don't send twice to the winners!
Much love ♥
Meni se mnogo više sviđa tvoja, plava, boja :D
ReplyDeleteHi. Beautiful eyes.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visit me and I follow you. Kisses!
Uuu strava su,al lepsa je tvoja boja :)
ReplyDeleteHey, i can't see you following. can you recheck? I follow your gfc and bloglovin now too.
ReplyDeleteI prefer your natural colors <3
WOW!I would like to buy this lens, but I have very dark eyes:(
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment on my blog. I would love to follow each other! I'm now following you, your turn ^^
imas divnu boju ociju i bez sociva , blago tebi :)
ReplyDeleteali zeleno je zeleno *-* svidja mi se :)
They give a great effect!! x
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment on my blog:) i follow you:)
ReplyDeleteYes, of course. I'm following you now, hope you do the same :)
ReplyDeleteYou have got beautiful eyes!!!
ReplyDeleteOf course! I'm already following you, hope you do the same ;)
Lovely regards from Poland :*
Amazing eyes! :)
wow! they enhance the eye soooo much.
ReplyDeleteEyes look gorgeous.
OF course I'd like to follow each other. I am following you now :)*
** Style Id Net **
** Style Id Net Twitter**
Wow, cool su!
Odlična su :)
ReplyDeleteprirodne su prirodne, ali nisu loše ni ove zelene. većinom mi te leće (sočiva) izgledaju neprirodne boje, ali mislim da je to stoga što ljudi sa tamnim očima kupe skroz svijetlo plave i onda naravno ispadne neke čudna boja. Pošto su tvoje prirodne oči svijetle, ove zelena izgleda lijepo i nije loše za promjenu:)
ReplyDeleteThey look great!!
ReplyDelete-xoxo- lorena