Pre par godina u ovo vreme već bih se
uveliko pripremala za školu, a sada se pripremam za još jedan preostali
ispit. ☺ Uhvatila me je nostalgija za tim vremenom, moram priznati.
No, da se vratim na današnji post...
saradnji sa mojom sestrom Katarinom sa bloga Fashionholic yeah
dogovorile smo se za collab post. Tema je #backtoschool, tj. ovo je moj
predlog outfita, pa i frizurice za školu. Pantalone u boji, udoban Romwe
duks, starke i Jessica Buurman torba (ja sam ovakve torbe nosila krajem
srednje). Čak bih i boju mojih noktića dala za predlog, pastelno
ljubičasta. Naravno, neki akcesoar je okej, ja nosim naočare i Soufeel
Katarinin post možete pogledati *ovde*.
Nadam se da vam se ovakav tip posta i post dopao, volela bih da pročitam vaša mišljenja u komentaru.
Ljubim vas
In cooperation with my sister Katarina from blog Fashionholic yeah we agreed to collab post. The theme is #backtoschool, ie. this is my suggestion for school outfit, including hairstyle. Pants in color, comfortable Romwe sweater, converse and Jessica Buurman bag. My nails are also suggestion for school, I have pastel violet. Of course, you can add some accessories, I wear glasses and Soufeel bracelet. If you want to order your bracelet you can use code Blog5 for extra 5% off.
Hope you like this outfit.
You can check Katarina's outfit post * here *.
I hope you like this post, I'd love to read your opinions in the comment.
Sweatshirt/Duks: Romwe (*shop here/ kupite ovde*) SALE!
Bag/Torba: Jessica Buurman (*shop here/ kupite ovde*)
Bracelet: Soufeel (*shop here/ kupite ovde*)
Pantalone: Tally Weijl
Sunnies: Deliriois.it
Prelep outfit stvarno imas ukusa za modu<3333
ReplyDeletePrelepa kombinacija! imas ukusa!
Hey I'm following you via GFC, now please keep your word and follow me back. Thanks:)
Mnogo mi se dopada ovaj outfit,duks je prelep ! :*
ReplyDeleteOutfit post na mom blogu --- http://sofija1837.blogspot.com/
Bas mi se dopada ovaj outfit! Pogotovo mi se svidja duks i ova predivna soufeel narukvica! Sve pohvale Magdalena! ♥
ReplyDeleteGIVEAWAY je na mom blogu, možete se prijaviti ovde. ♥
Fantastično! ♥
ReplyDeleteFantastično! ♥
ReplyDeleteLovely outfit! Great nailpolish by the way :) have a nice day :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome to my blog
www.blotterlife.com :))
torba je bas cool :)
ReplyDeleteyou look so pretty
Beautiful sweet :)
wonderful outfit! excellent pics!
Very nice school outfit! like it a lot! BEAUTYPUSINKA
ReplyDeleteFabulous ensemble
ReplyDeleteLove Vikee
prelijep autfit i prikladan za školu <3 :D a i ti si prelijepa kao i tvoja sestra :D
Oduševljena sam i Kaćinim i tvojim outfitom, i slikama, i mestom gde ste se fotografisale. Stvarno sjajno, obe ste divne! <3
ReplyDeleteWould you like to follow each other on GFC, G+ and Instagram?
I love your hair & the sunglasses look amazing!! Do you want to follow each other?:) http://livinlikeaileen.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteLove your bag! Beautiful look and thanks for the visit.
I would so wear this to school! I would love for us to follow each other. Following you now. Hope you can follow back.
The Pink Lemonade Girl
Ughhh. I love your outfit especially your chucks. Yes dear we can certainly follow each other. I love your blog. Let me know if you did follow me. So that I can follow you back too. Much love! ♥
Divan outfit! :))
http://veronicafashioncorner.blogspot.hr/ ovo je moj beauty blog, ima 3 posta, bila bih zahvalna ako bi pročitali ih i pretplatili se sastrane klikom na pridruži se ovoj web lokaciji, komentirajte ako želite, bila bih vam jako zahvalna <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeletelove this look, so minimal yet very cool.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for ur comment on my blog ! If you want we can follow each other on GFC ,Bloglovin/G+..Let me know !